
Rights based Advocacy: Roundtable with stakeholders of forestry sector

To share the results of these studies, JDHR conducted rights based advocacy and organized a roundtable of all stakeholders of forestry sector in Swat. The crux of the roundtable was that forests could be protected by eliminating political interference in forest department and by increasing the number of posts of forest guards to be appointed from within local communities. This was demanded through a resolution adopted at the end of a roundtable discussion on “Community Participation in Forest Management” here at a local hotel in Mingora. The participants at the roundtable included officials from forest department, local government, NGOs and CBOs, forest owners and users, lawyers and researchers. Facilitated by JDHR Islamabad and NCCR North South Switzerland, the roundtable provided a chance to all stakeholders to discuss issues relating to forestry and its conservation.