
To sensitize journalist community on democracy and human rights related issues, particularly reporting on transparent election processes and functioning of the government in line with commitment to protection of human rights, violence against women, children, minorities and other marginalized groups.

To help improve and enhance coverage of democratic and people’s centric governance and protection of human rights in media (electronic, print, on-line) linking them with the commitments made under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Pakistan’s Vision 2025 with the central theme ‘No one is left behind’.

To train and encourage media professionals to report violations of human rightsin their respective media and bring them to the knowledge of local administrations and JDHR for their onward submission to the relevant authorities to seek justice for victims.

To train journalists on how to ensure their safety and protection while in tough situations, how to observe media’s ethical standards in generating media products on professional lines making them objective, inclusive and responsible. Raise voice for their safety and well-being and build their professional skills.

To conduct workshops, training courses for media persons to impart them techniques on how to monitor and report violations of democratic norms and human rights; and to cover issues around poverty, climate change, people’s centric governance and human development; how to write on the rights of vulnerable sections of society such as women, children, minorities and other marginalized groups in society.

To train media professionals and to mobilize public opinion for democratic norms, promotion oftolerance and harmony and respect for human rights through media, public lectures, seminars, conferences, etc. to achieve the dream of a tolerant and inclusive Pakistan as envisioned by the founder of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in his 11th August 1947 speech, the spirit of the Constitution of Pakistan, the National Action Plan 2015 and the ‘Paigham-e-Pakistan 2018, a national narrative,that calls for peaceful co-existence among all citizens and denounces extremism.

In line with these national and international commitments, promote protection of every person’s right to freedom of thought, conscience and belief or religion with a view to build Pakistan’s true image of a tolerant and peaceful nation.
To work with local leaders, parliamentarians and the government officials to get assurances regarding effective implementation of the International Human Rights Instruments and for adoption of any such new convention or covenant; and implementation on ‘the national narrative- Paigham-e-Pakistan’ and national human rights laws and standards.
To promote research studies for development of a democratic and human rights friendly media with an emphasis on highlighting the need for promotion of a non-violent and tolerant culture; and to assist activists striving for promotion of basic rights and civil liberties.

To prepare reports and seek information to make recommendations to the appropriate authorities for end of violations of human rights and to publish such reports and recommendations in view of achieving the objectives of the JOURNALISTS FOR DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS.